# (decoded with TMPL 128) # of selectors: (34 entries) 0: Selector: 'qd ' (0x71642020) Description: 'QuickDraw vers' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'v' (0x76) 1: Selector: 'qdrw' (0x71647277) Description: 'QuickDraw features attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 2: Selector: 'qdgx' (0x71646778) Description: 'QD GX vers' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'w' (0x77) 3: Selector: 'qtim' (0x7174696D) Description: 'QuickTime vers' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'w' (0x77) 4: Selector: 'qtrs' (0x71747273) Description: 'QT PowerPlug attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 5: Selector: 'ram ' (0x72616D20) Description: 'Physical RAM size' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'k' (0x6B) 6: Selector: 'rbv ' (0x72627620) Description: 'Ram-based video address' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'h' (0x68) 7: Selector: 'Remt' (0x52656D74) Description: 'Auto Remount cdev?' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 8: Selector: 'rom ' (0x726F6D20) Description: 'ROM size' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'k' (0x6B) 9: Selector: 'romv' (0x726F6D76) Description: 'ROM vers' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'd' (0x64) 10: Selector: 'rsrc' (0x72737263) Description: 'Resource mgr attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 11: Selector: 'rtmr' (0x72746D72) Description: 'Real Time mgr attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 12: Selector: 'sccr' (0x73636372) Description: 'SCC read address' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'h' (0x68) 13: Selector: 'sccw' (0x73636377) Description: 'SCC write address' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'h' (0x68) 14: Selector: 'scr#' (0x73637223) Description: '# of active script systems' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'd' (0x64) 15: Selector: 'scra' (0x73637261) Description: 'Scrap mgr (Easy Open)' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 16: Selector: 'scri' (0x73637269) Description: 'Script mgr vers' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'v' (0x76) 17: Selector: 'scsi' (0x73637369) Description: 'SCSI mgr?' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 18: Selector: 'sdvr' (0x73647672) Description: 'PowerTalk SDP std dir vers' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'd' (0x64) 19: Selector: 'ser ' (0x73657220) Description: 'Serial attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 20: Selector: 'serh' (0x73657268) Description: '?' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 21: Selector: 'shal' (0x7368616C) Description: '?' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 22: Selector: 'slnk' (0x736C6E6B) Description: 'ARA MNPLink?' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 23: Selector: 'slot' (0x736C6F74) Description: 'Slot attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 24: Selector: 'slt1' (0x736C7431) Description: 'First slot number' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'd' (0x64) 25: Selector: 'sltc' (0x736C7463) Description: 'Slot mask' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 26: Selector: 'snd ' (0x736E6420) Description: 'Sound mgr attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 27: Selector: 'sndx' (0x736E6478) Description: 'Sound Manager 3.0?' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 28: Selector: 'snhw' (0x736E6877) Description: 'Sound hardware' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'o' (0x6F) 29: Selector: 'spsl' (0x7370736C) Description: 'PowerTalk SMP SendLetter vers' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'd' (0x64) 30: Selector: 'stdf' (0x73746466) Description: 'Standard File attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 31: Selector: 'strm' (0x7374726D) Description: 'ARA attr' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'b' (0x62) 32: Selector: 'sysa' (0x73797361) Description: 'System architecture' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'd' (0x64) 33: Selector: 'sysv' (0x73797376) Description: 'System vers' Kind @=address b=binary d=decimal h=hex k=kilo o=OSType s=signed v=BCD vers w=vers vers: 'v' (0x76)